- How many yards must I buy to make a coat? 做一件外套我必须买多少码?
- I am a foreigner here; must I register with the police? 我是外国人; 我必须向警方登记吗?
- Must I obey teacher when I arrive the school? 当我到学校的时候,我必须服从老师吗?
- What must I do if I want to be a good teacher ? 要做一个好老师我应该怎么办?
- Must I keep servants and myself do their work? 难道我有佣人还得自己操劳吗?
- How much longer must I din into your ears the importance of hard work? 努力工作的重要性我还要一而再,再而三地跟你讲多少次才行?
- Why must I tell that worker he is laid off? 为什么我必须告诉那个工人他被解雇了?
- Why must I tell that worker he was laid off? 为什么我必须告诉那个工人他被解雇了?
- Must I get there at six o'clock? 我必须六点钟到那儿吗?
- Must I return all the books in three days? 我必须在三天之内还所有的书吗?
- What must I do if I want to is a good teacher? 要做一个好老师我应该怎么办?
- Must I bring the book back when I renew it? 当我续借时必须把书带来吗?
- Must I line here to visit the Capitol, madam? 小姐,参观国会我必须在这里排队吗?
- Must I strive toward colorlessness? 我何必拼死拼活要变成无色人呢?
- How much must I pay for the damage? 我该赔多少损失费?
- Must I vrush the teeth this evening? 今晚我必须刷牙吗?
- Why must I have mercy on him? Tell me that! 我为什么一定要宽恕他?你告诉我理由!
- A: Must I took a ticket in advance? 我需要提前预定车票吗?
- Must I be present at the meeting at 7 o'clock? 我必须7点到会吗?